Monday, July 14, 2008

Odd Shots - Henri

He just showed up one day last year. I thought he was a birthday gift from Nancy, but then I began to wonder. Is he the same gnome I found so many years ago at the souk in Sousse, Tunisia on a road trip from Tripoli to Tunis? Is he the same one I called Henri? He hung around for years before disappearing. Back then he had no suitcase, but now he does and he's always ready to boogie! He's a great travelling companion and keeps his valise packed and ready to go. He's quiet and unassuming, but always very focused on the road ahead. Henri likes the camera though....that is, to be in front of the camera, so it's no surprise when he suddenly pops up in front of the lens.
I had planned to use my picture, not Henri's, for my blog avatar, but....things happen, oddly enough.

See Katney at Katney's Kaboodle for Odd Shots Monday!


Anonymous said...

I think he escaped from the television commercial showing him falling off a cliff. Some insurance company.

Isadora said...

:) Take care of him, making him feel welcome so he does not have to disappear again.

Profile Not Available said...

May you never roam alone.

Lake Lady said...

Should Henri ever decide to head this way, he would certainly be welcome! Sounds like he has some great lessons to teach and stories to tell!

Marcel said...

I hope Abe is right. It looks like Henri is a friendly guy!
If you have time swing by my blog today.
Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

I think he's wonderful a real charactor.

Texas Travelers said...

Very clever and intertaing post.
I like the fog photo also.

Great odd shot photo.

Come visit our odd shot,
Troy and Martha

Dragonstar said...

Now he's a great friend to have around. I think he might find my toadstool a bit small - or did he visit and adapt it?

Katney said...

It is good to have someoen always ready to travel with you.

dot said...

I think Henri's kinda cute!

USelaine said...

Hey, I think he starred in the French movie, "Amelie"!

Anonymous said...

Odd ... or strange enough ... somehow it reminds me of a certain RAF that sometimes visits my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I've seen him in my neighbourhood!

Chuck Pefley said...

Oddly enough, all right :)Intrepid, I think. Do believe I last saw Henri in Lauterbrunnen.

Paulie said...

Nice suitcase! Maybe that's why he disappeared -- he's a traveling man and now has come back to take you along.

Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

Could you please send Henri over to me and help me ascend Mt. Ironing?

Small City Scenes said...

I think I saw that guy with the suitcase as I was heading over the pass last Friday. Hmmmmm

Pat said...

Hi, RAF! That's really funny how we both posted "little friends who travel," me with Radovan and you with Henri.

He reminds me of the elf in the film "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain," which I think was known as "Amelie of Montmartre" in the US.

Knoxville Girl said...

Henri perhaps wonders why he is "odd".
C'est la vie, Henri.

Louis la Vache said...

uh huh...
Is Henri related to Radovan?

Inquiring minds want to know....