Monday, September 22, 2008

Have toys, will travel

It always brings a smile when this beautiful little red Porsche shows up around town during Wooden Boat Festival time. Always has the same assortment of goodies on the luggage rack. Appears to be a happy camper, but with little room left for camping gear.


Anonymous said...

I saw your blog and found a piece of history your camera recorded. It is a blink, stopped dead-still, exposing a moment in time and the beauty you saw in the litte red car and all the goodies on its back.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Profile Not Available said...

How funny this is a regular feature of your event! is the arrangement of toys always the same? I wonder what the significance of each is? Wouldn't you love to know?

Small City Scenes said...

How Sweet. I wonder if it is just a little bundle of memories. "Have memories-Will travel". MB