Monday, September 8, 2008

Odd Shots Monday

...and tails it is!
Along with an abundance of fresh produce, baked goods, arts and crafts and foods from a wide range of cultures, Saturday market usually brings a variety of views for shutterbugs too.

For a look at all the Odd Shots posted today, stop by for a visit with Katney!


Small City Scenes said...

This looks like a candidate for the bumbumblog. LOL. MB

Jilly said...

It is an odd shot. Four tails. Well captured.

Louis la Vache said...

Good one, Raf! ;-)

It would appear that, in this case at least, the tail is NOT wagging the dog...

Jane Hards Photography said...

4 tails. I feel like I have had a drink and seeing double.

mrsnesbitt said...

WOW! Such a fantastic selection of colours.
Thanks so much!