Friday, September 5, 2008

Sky Watch

This morning's rising sun peeking over a fog bank as seen through the rigging of the Lady Washington.

Here she is under full sail later today just before sunset .

She is here this weekend to help Port Townsend celebrate its 32nd annual Wooden Boat Festival....and we are ready to party! Much more about the festival to come!

Join us for Sky Watch Friday by clicking here.


Tash said...

Spectacular. So glad you where there!

Tash said...
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Rune Eide said...

A nice ship indeed - must be lovely to wake aboard one with the opportunity of taking such pictures.

AphotoAday said...

Nice shots...   Very creative.

Anonymous said...

WOW - stunning photos - especially the one in the middle:)

magiceye said...

all 3 pics are spectacular indeed!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - Love the Sun through the rigging

Anonymous said...

fantastic captures, great light and the ship is amazing. wonderful swf

Jim Klenke said...

Nice pictures.

imac said...

Love all the shots, but the 1st is my fav. Beautiful post.

nonizamboni said...

These are gorgeous shots and I'm glad you shared your artistic eye. What a beautiful boat.
Have a great weekend in God's country!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Ramsey used to build these tall ships. Absolutely spectacular, This golden glow you get is terrific.

Profile Not Available said...

Beautiful! I particularly love watching the sun rise through the rigging.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful, beautiful and again beautiful. I visited the LW and the Hawaiian Chieftan in Everett a few weeks back. They are a sight to behold. The sky through the rigging is wonderful. MB

Jilly said...

Three fantastic shots. Just wonderful.

Chuck Pefley said...

RAF, Lovely images of the Lady. She is always a beautiful sight. Very nice series over the past few days, too. And I agree with your piazza idea around the fountain. Nice area for loitering :)

Dragonstar said...

What a sunrise! That first photo I love!!!

Louis la Vache said...

You KNEW "Louis" would love this one!