Friday, September 26, 2008

Sky Watch

Last weekend was the 25th annual West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium held on the beach at Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend.
This first picture was taken Sunday morning at Point Wilson with the fog just beginning to lift. Later sun breaks were a welcome sight for hundreds of those enjoying the three day event.

To see all the Sky Watch posts today click here.


Pat said...

What beautiful photos, and I love the contrast of colors in the second one!

Frankie / Nick said...

Awesome - absolutely awesome! A sight to behold, excellent photos.

Baruch said...

Great pictures - 2nd one is very bold and colourful. Happy SWF!

Digital Polaroids said...

Cold & color, fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Sea Kayak? Not me. I would guess they stay in the protected harbor?

Jim Klenke said...

I love the first one with the lighthouse standing out in the background. I didnt know that many people kayaked.

Small City Scenes said...

How cool and colorfu.

May I send the second pic to a friend who couldn't get there because of work? MB

vincibene said...

Fantastic colours!

imac said...

Very colourful shots.

raf said...

For sure, MB, please do!

Louise said...

Bot photos are terrifc. Great composition and what color!

SandyCarlson said...

These are intensely beautiful. That looks like it was quite a great time!

Leslie: said...

Boy, all those kayaks are so colourful! I guess it helped that day since the sky was sort of grey.

Arija said...

Both shots hold great interest, the first for atmosphere, the second for it's colourfulness.

Jane Hards Photography said...

My last kayayking adventure ended up with me swimming in a very dirty lake. These colours are so well contrasted. Like delving into a pick and mix of candy. Beautifl choice for skywatch.

Mary Helen said...

I love the background in the first one and the colors in the second one. Great photos

Louis la Vache said...

What a great shot of this colorful collection of Kayaks! (ah hah! a little unplanned alliteration!)