Monday, January 26, 2009

Hop in, my deers!

Had to do a double take a few days ago when I glanced out the window and saw these two deer in the bed of the pickup. In reality, they had just paused on a high spot behind the truck while making their daily foraging rounds through the neighborhood.

To see all the Odd Shots today visit Katney's Kaboodle.


Kim said...

This is SUCH a cool shot! I love seeing it.
Seattle Daily Photo

Jane Hards Photography said...

Dear oh Dear, bad puns abound. I'm so envious of this image. They are adorable.

gogouci said...

That's pretty funny. I'm glad they hung around long enough for you to get this shot.

Small City Scenes said...

Oh how funny. Great title. Double take indeed. Super shot. Perfect for Odd shots. MB

Olivier said...

surprenant, des sœurs jumelles ;o)) bravo pour la photo, souvent elles fuient avant l'arriver du photographe ;o)

Surprisingly, twin sisters ;o)) bravo for the photo, they often flee before the photographer arrived o)

Pat said...

I took a double-take, too! My mother often has deer in her yard, but not on (or seeming to be on) her car!

Hilda said...

Heehee! Great capture, Raf!

slim said...

What a great catch! A photoblogger must always be ready to aim and shoot . . . pictures that is. Just couldn't resist after your "punny" title.

Unknown said...

What a great catch!