Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sky Watch - Stormy today...

...out on the shipping lanes of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

See all the Sky Watch Friday participants here.


Day4plus said...

Wow, that is a great picture. Storms are hitting everywhere. MB

Rune Eide said...

I love ships, but get easily sea-sick.I wouldn't be aboard - even such a large one.

Nice catch!

SandyCarlson said...

That is one amazing surf out there. What a busy sea.

bobbie said...

Love your photo of the rough water.

Thanks for stopping by.

Jim Klenke said...

Neat shot, thats a lot of white water.

Arija said...

I love a stormy sea, thanks for sharing this one.

nonizamboni said...

wonderful photo--glad you're on board again! I know you've had your share of 'weather'--it kept Seattle bro-in-law away from family Christmas this year.
I've overheard the oldtimers around here say this is the worst winter they've seen in MN for a long time.
Happy new year--stay warm!

imac said...

Lots of action here well shot.

david mcmahon said...

Great depiction, Raf. To me, the real power of that image is the stormbird on the right, as well as the soft-focus reeds in the foreground.

Great work.

PS: Glad you liked my Ray-Ban reflection shot of the Perth sky.

Destitute Rebel said...

This is a great picture, One can feel the winds and the power of the waves in your Image.

Raf, thanks for your wonderful welcome back comments @ Lahore Daily. It is great to be back.

Jane Hards Photography said...

We would call that choppy, in other words hold on to your guts it's a rough crossing.

gogouci said...

Have you ever been on a freighter? Those vessels are absolutely massive.

Pat said...

I'm glad I'm viewing this on my computer screen and not first-hand on the ship or even on the shore. Wonderful capture.

Julie said...

The power of the ocean beats that of any vessel on its day, Raf. I like this photograph: the choppy white water tells so much.