Monday, February 9, 2009

"What Westminster dog show?

Just throw the stick, will ya!"
So might the happy Golden Retreiver, Rufus be saying here to his owner, Doug Lamy, on the beach at Point Hudson. To Rufus, Best in Show might only mean how far the next stick is thrown.

This is the third in a series of images taken downtown during the beautiful winter day we had on Saturday.


Virginia said...
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Virginia said...

Rufus makes me think ( and cry) about my dear Baxter. Wonderful memories this photo brought me. Merci.

Jim Klenke said...

Fantasic shots, looks like Rufus is having fun.

gogouci said...

What a beautiful animal. Great action shots.

Small City Scenes said...

I am sure his owner already knows he is THE BEST. He sure looks like he is having a grand time. who cares if the water is cold. Brrr. MB

Julie said...

what a fun shot and such good memories for everyone about our favorite pets.

Olivier said...

superbes photos, il a l'air très fier de lui sur la première photo.

great photos, he looked very proud of him on the first photo.

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like you were having fun watching Rufus ... but I'd wager that Rufus pegged his "fun-o-meter" LOL!!

Dragonstar said...

Raf, these are superb doggy images! Rufus is such a happy dog!

Jane Hards Photography said...

How dogs should be, naturally having fun. Wonderful action shots.

Hilda said...

He is adorable! These are such joyful pictures!

cieldequimper said...

Ummm... how cold is the water?

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful dog and in his element. I watch the dog shows when I remember they are on.

Jill said...

Wonderful action shots and caption! He is for sure a winner.

Pat said...

Had fun with my daughter's dog and her boyfriend's dog at Magnuson Park and Whidbey Island...Bibi is afraid of the water, so just watched from the shore... I love to watch dogs enjoy themselves. They're so into the moment.

Diederick Wijmans said...

He is wonderful!!

Lynette said...

How wonderful! Photos of joy, for sure. I enjoyed browsing through your recent posts, too.