Monday, May 5, 2008

Odd Shots Monday

What's going on in this strange, cockeyed, underexposed photo? Looks like a card game being played, but who are those guys, who's the girl and what up with her? Where is all this happening and why? Maybe you know the anwers. If not, tune in tomorrow for revelations.
To learn more about the fun of Odd Shots Monday follow this link to Katney's Kaboodle.


Chuck Pefley said...

Raf, I'm thinking your were standing on the mezzanine at the Palace Hotel looking way back in time to Gold Rush Days -:)

Anonymous said...

Look like a poker game

Anita said...

Great shot...

And it reminds me of Tombstone, Ariz.! (not that I've been there, just seen lots of pictures! lol) Or for that matter, anywhere else in the west!

Barbara said...


imac said...

You sure got my attention now.
Look forward to seeing whats going on here!!

Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.

Gypsy at heart said...

I'll be interested in hearing "the rest of the story"....

Sharon said...

Looks like a card game in a saloon with a saloon girl keeping. Will be back tomorrow for the rest of the story.....

Thanks for the info on "nurse stumps." I found that interesting!

Profile Not Available said...

This reminds me of a place I once visited in Skagway, Alaska...I want to say it was called the Red Onion? Is it a historic venue of some kind that features docents in period attire?

Anonymous said...

I bet those are wax figures!

Katney said...

You apper to be time traveling as well as suspended int he air. Odd. I will return to see what's happening.

Small City Scenes said...

I'll just wait for tomorrows installment. MB

Jane Hards Photography said...

Interesting. I'm clueless, but tuning in.

Lake Lady said...

OK, Raf....the suspense is killing us. Get up and get bloggin' already!

Benjamin Madison said...

Definitely an odd shot but an interesting one too. Must be something like "Frontier Days in Port Townsend"