Monday, November 17, 2008

A visit to Pike Place Market

Yesterday we took an early ferry into Seattle and spent the day at the Pike Place Market walking, shopping, dining and also visiting the Seattle Art Museum or SAM. The weather was a continually changing mix of sun, clouds and fog which provided interesting conditions for taking photos. Today, and for several following days, I'll post some of those images from our visit.
Ah, shrooms! Sad to think of the delicate, nutty chanterelle coming to season's end here in the Pacific Northwest.


Tash said...

Yum - look at the variety of produce in that shot & variety of splendid color! Did you have them set that up for you like that? Wonderful photo. I've never tasted those mushrooms & will have to now.
I walked by SAM at night in August & was really impressed by the Workman sculpture casting a very tall shaddow on the dark museaum & saw the neon sparking, hanging cars from the windows.

Small City Scenes said...

Pike Place Market is always a fun place to visit--all day long. Did you happen to Chuck of Seattle Daily blog? He has a spot at the market. MB

Unknown said...

Delicious colors.

Olivier said...

les couleurs sont magnifiques.

Chuck Pefley said...

Raf, you found a shaft of sunlight for this one. Very nice! Should have let me know you were coming over ... :)

USelaine said...

Now you have me hungry for fresh string beans... Nice shot.

Dragonstar said...

The colours are wonderful! You'd never see anything other than the ubiquitous button mushroom on sale here.

Jim Klenke said...

Funny looking mushrooms. Whats next to them, they look like buckeyes, or what we used to call buckeyes.

Profile Not Available said...

Excellent shot! I love them too! They don't last long enough though.