Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Galatea welcomes the stars

Locals love to include Haller Fountain in many of the downtown events throughout the year. It is always fun to see the statue of Galatea in various states of dress for the occasions.

At the opening ceremonies of last fall's 9th Annual Port Townsend Film Festival, Galatea was at her stellar best to help welcome guest stars, film actress Piper Laurie and TV's American Movie Classics host Robert Osborne, seen here at left.


Olivier said...

la statue derrière est déguisée de manière originale, c'est la fête.

behind the statue is hidden in an original way, it's party.

Pat said...

Piper Laurie is a favorite of mine...along with the series Twin Peaks (but the film was AWFUL!)

I like the strategically placed stars on Galatea...

Small City Scenes said...

Piper Laurie--wow--I remember her from long ago. I love the fact that Galatea is allowed to dress up or down. MB

Jim Klenke said...

You caught all of the stars in one shot, funny.

slim said...

One could say that the event was star studded . . .